Dating Personality Test
How Does Your Personality Affect Your Dating?
Take The Test And Find Out!
80, 321 Tests Taken So Far
Less Than 15 Minutes To Complete
103 easy multiple choice questions to determine your dating personality
How To Build Connections With Your Personality
Get personalised feedback on how your personality affects your success with women and what you need to look out for.
Scientifically Proven To Be Accurate
Based on Raymond Cattel's 16 Personality Theory.
94% of test completers
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How Is Your Personality Affecting Your Dating?
Pretty accurate
For a 5-10 minute test it pretty much summed up my personality in general with good accuracy. As long as someone answers honestly I’m sure the test will cover at least some part of the personality aspect.
actualy i couldnt access my results again right now. but i remember some things didnt represent my awnsers at all’ (doesnt mean the test is bad at all)
there are topics that are questioned repetative so this always can/will happen depending on the interpretation (what specific experiance of the past is connected with that wording of the question) of the tested person.
in fact from a social pedagogy standpoint these kind of tests arent even about the results obviously there aint any right or wrongs good or bads…
its just to get the test “subject” to question himself.
we all got to know who we are at least we believe it. actualy most of us just know how they are if that makes sence. we can kind of make a accurate guess how we would act in some situation but we dont realy be aware what this translate sometimes people aint aware that its a thing and some people would act completely different. for us our actions are all natural.
that makes these kind of question that are in the test to the most important part (the awnsers are to often easy manipulated in some way what people tend to cause its a “test” right you wanna get it all right 😀 )the things you useualy didnt think about makes us aware about our traits and that already is enough cause most people actualy know what these mean in a social interaction.
overall a good thing to raise selfawareness from time to time and yeah wouldnt to much focus on the results the way is the goal already ma friends.