Dating Personality Test

How Does Your Personality Affect Your Dating?

Take The Test And Find Out!

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Less Than 15 Minutes To Complete

103 easy multiple choice questions to determine your dating personality

How To Build Connections With Your Personality

Get personalised feedback on how your personality affects your success with women and what you need to look out for.

Scientifically Proven To Be Accurate

Based on Raymond Cattel's 16 Personality Theory.

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"WOW, Simply mind blowing. This test described me to a T. I hadn't realised how much I valued intelligence until I did this. LOTS to think about, thanks!

Cooper, 29, Pest Inspector

" You know as I was doing this test, I was expecting it to be a waste of time. But man this is good. I can't believe it's free and gave me some nuggets to think about with women. Highly recommended.  

Shehan, 43, Inventory Controller

"Do it. It'll give you the data you need about your personality. I LOVE data and this hit the spot by being comprehensive and accurate"

Stanley, 35, Software Engineer

"Me and my friends all did this test just to see what came out. And man, did it describe each of us perfectly. We had a great conversation at the pub about some of the elements we each need to think about. Gave us a lot of material to discuss. Thanks for that. 

Gary, 49, Photographer

"Far and above expectations. Way more than I thought there would be."

Jamie, 19, Student

How Is Your Personality Affecting Your Dating?




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Dating Personality Test Review

Rated 4.0 out of 5
May 22, 2020

Hi Damien!

This is the outcome of my test:

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School of Attraction | Australia’s #1 dating coaching company

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Dating Personality Test

by School of Attraction | Mar 6, 2019 | Personality Test


Abstract Thinking

You place great value on Intelligence, and get great enjoyment out of intellectually stimulating conversation. You get bored very easily around people who do not engage you on an intellectual level. You need to be aware that no-matter how attractive a woman is, if she does not have the brains, you are going to get sick and tired of her very quickly. You will very quickly come to internalise general attraction theories, but you need to be careful not to assume you know everything and remember that a solid knowledge of the basics is the foundation of success.


It has always been important to you that your views are right and everyone else is incorrect. You very quickly dismiss theories related to attraction that are contrary to your own beliefs as being unworthy of consideration. You must try to remember that everyone has at least one thing they can teach you, and that nobody on earth has been right 100% of the time. When going out picking up women with buddies, you have to be careful to keep your competitive streak in check. When talking with women, try to actively focus on being open-minded about their opinions as you run the risk of being seen as stubborn and/or narrow-minded. You are painfully aware of differences in social status when you are out around others, but try to keep in mind that perceived social status can easily change from one day to the next and those that judge your social status too harshly are not worth knowing at all.


You are very self-confident and enjoy taking risks. You may well be able to look back on things you have done in your life and thought -I can not believe I did that and LIVED! – Since you place great value on risk-taking experiences that provide adventure, it is unlikely that you have much trouble approaching women in bars. If you are having trouble attracting the right sort of women in your life, it is most likely going to be because you are being perceived as brash and insensitive. To be happy in a relationship, you need to find a woman who also loves risk-taking and adventure, or you are likely to get bored with her very quickly, and quite possibly seek excitement with other women.


You spend a lot of time stuck inside your head. You love theorizing and working with abstract ideas and as a result, you often get caught up with all the different theories out there relating to meeting and attracting women. While you do CARE about the women you are interacting with, your abstract nature will cause you to easily forget things like names and other facts about her that a girl might give you over a night. If you do not make a concerted effort to remember these things, you may risk as coming across as shallow or uncaring. When in a relationship, be aware of your tendency to be inattentive to your partner and the practical aspects of a relationship.


You are very open, straight forward and unpretentious. You never pretend to be anything that you are not. You particularly dislike people who are judgemental because you place great value on peoples right to express themselves as they are and not to have to wear a social mask. Women will most likely appreciate and comment on your genuineness, but you must be careful to exercise some degree of tact, or you risk being perceived as rude and abrupt.









































The assessment was very accurate for me, however my natural curiosity and quest for understanding had me want further understanding about the graph and what the variables were measuring and what that meant for me and of course the general populace!

Caroline Spencer


Rated 3.0 out of 5
May 19, 2020

First part was pretty right on

Second made no sense to me in my life
