Dating Personality Test
How Does Your Personality Affect Your Dating?
Take The Test And Find Out!
80, 321 Tests Taken So Far
Less Than 15 Minutes To Complete
103 easy multiple choice questions to determine your dating personality
How To Build Connections With Your Personality
Get personalised feedback on how your personality affects your success with women and what you need to look out for.
Scientifically Proven To Be Accurate
Based on Raymond Cattel's 16 Personality Theory.
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How Is Your Personality Affecting Your Dating?
Close to an off-the-rack suit
Well, I cannot say what you’d do better. The algorithms certainly aren’t in my toolbox. I would say the most missing components are: 1) I am deeply preferential regarding contact. Eye-to-eye. 2) Although I over-emphasize style, it is an asset because I should keep in mind I prefer an attractive woman. Rules of thumb, dinner? and will I ask her to dance. However, my immaturity and my optimism is spot-on At 70, I’m perhaps 58 years into this. And when I move in that’s because I thought I had a chance. Lots of rejection, but one lottery ticket of immense winnings 35 years ago. Thanks
Test Results
Hey Damien, I just wanted to say, the test was spot-on and very substantive as well. Keep it up.