Dating Personality Test

How Does Your Personality Affect Your Dating?

Take The Test And Find Out!

    80, 321 Tests Taken So Far


    Less Than 15 Minutes To Complete

    103 easy multiple choice questions to determine your dating personality

    How To Build Connections With Your Personality

    Get personalised feedback on how your personality affects your success with women and what you need to look out for.

    Scientifically Proven To Be Accurate

    Based on Raymond Cattel's 16 Personality Theory.

    94% of test completers

    recommend taking the test

    "WOW, Simply mind blowing. This test described me to a T. I hadn't realised how much I valued intelligence until I did this. LOTS to think about, thanks!

    Cooper, 29, Pest Inspector

    " You know as I was doing this test, I was expecting it to be a waste of time. But man this is good. I can't believe it's free and gave me some nuggets to think about with women. Highly recommended.  

    Shehan, 43, Inventory Controller

    "Do it. It'll give you the data you need about your personality. I LOVE data and this hit the spot by being comprehensive and accurate"

    Stanley, 35, Software Engineer

    "Me and my friends all did this test just to see what came out. And man, did it describe each of us perfectly. We had a great conversation at the pub about some of the elements we each need to think about. Gave us a lot of material to discuss. Thanks for that. 

    Gary, 49, Photographer

    "Far and above expectations. Way more than I thought there would be."

    Jamie, 19, Student

    How Is Your Personality Affecting Your Dating?




      122 recent reviews
      5 star44%
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      1 star7%

      Surprisingly accurate

      December 1, 2019

      I was a bit sceptical about some of the questions. However the results were pretty accurate.


      Good personality test

      December 1, 2019

      I belive the mesurements of my personality is prety spot on, tho the description of my personality or flavor text, spesificlay the second one is i belive is inacurate and contredicts my first description. otherwise it seems like a fairly good test
