School Of Tinder & Online Dating Course

Get in the Top 20% On Tinder

The course to dominate on all dating platorms

Do you see yourself as any of the following:


Unattractive/average looking
From an 'undesirable' ethnicity
Not looking for hookups
Antisocial with women


Then this course is for you


I've created this course to get you ranking in the top 20% of guys that get the most matches.




"BUT only the hottest 20% of men on Tinder get matches"

Not entirely true!

Yes attractiveness matters but the truth is that 20% of the most APPEALING profiles get the bulk of the matches.

This means that an average looking man can build himself a profile that's in the top 20% of profiles that women will want to swipe right on - But he has to know some creative strategies as he can't rely on looks alone.

This is why online dating is so frustrating for average men - We feel like nobody wants to date us - but the truth is that the landscape has just become very competitive.

This course will show you the strategies and tricks you can use to boost the desirability of your profile to get in that top 20%.


"BUT most women just want tall men. I'm below average height so women won't want to date me"


According to a global survey by, 40% of women say they prefer men who are over 6ft tall however 82% admitted they would date a man that is the same height as them.

In the same survey, 68% admitted they do find shorter men attractive.

It’s definitely not the deciding factor according to who found personality to be the number one prerequisite for nearly half of all women.

There is also an upward trend towards female celebs dating shorter men and everyday women are worrying about it less.

I myself am 5 foot 8 and find it incredibly rare that women have an issue with my height.

A lot of my female clients have noted that the issue only arises when a man seems insecure of his own height.

So confidence is key!


"BUT I've read everywhere that my ethnicity is unpopular where I live"

We can change that!

Race undeniably plays a role in online dating - but rarely is it the colour of your skin that's causing trouble but more the stereotype of your race that you're being judged by.

If women experience negative behaviour with one race over another, they are more likely to overlook men from that race in future.

But the great news is that stereotypes can be broken - and when they are, we begin to assess that person as a human being without prior judgment clouding impressions.

Picture getting on a bus, and at the next stop, a heavyset man gets on the bus who is covered in tattoos.. He's got a shaved head - a big beard - and a bikie jacket on. What do you instantly assume about this man?

Imagine at the stop after, a woman with a baby gets on the train, the woman walks up to the tattooed man, and passes him the baby - he eagerly takes the baby and starts playing with it, talking in baby voices and being generally nurturing and caring.

What has happened to your initial impressions of the man?

This is called stereotype shock - when someone does something that destroys your preconceived notions of that stereotype - you take a step back and question all your assessments of that person.

If your race on online dating is generally working against you, we'll show you how to apply stereotype shock in your profiles to vastly improve your number of matches.


"BUT all women on tinder are just looking to hook up. I’m looking for a long term relationship"

I can’t even begin to express how incorrect this is!

A study conducted by found that as the market has matured over time, 60% of women on Tinder are looking for meaningful matches.

I'm working with men every day on their online dating profiles and reading their conversations.

I can tell you categorically - MOST women on these sites want to find a long term partner - and only a small minority want casual sex exclusively.

"BUT I have no idea what to write, say or how to behave!"

We’ll tell you what to do!

No guesswork, copy & paste. Couldn’t be simpler.

We've tested hundreds of profiles in 38 different countries and found what works best.

And we’re always learning and updating. We provide support and community so we can learn to help as many guys as we possibly can.



It doesn't matter who you are, we got you covered.


Everything you need to get your dating sorted

Hack Your Online Dating From Beginning To End


  • Understand which platform is best suited for different types of dating
  • Understand how women use dating apps to meet men
  • Master the ranking system used by dating apps to propel yourself to the top

Create Successful Online Conversations


  • Draw from a huge range of concrete examples that you can use to keep things going
  • Know how to craft the perfect first message
  • Master the key to having great conversations that lead to dates

Get Unlimited Expert Feedback


  • Join our Private Facebook Group with over 1,000 collaborators
  • Share and discuss with an active and driven Community
  • Get real-time responses and feedback to your questions and texts

You're learning from the best.


I went from severe generalised anxiety disorder to dating many high quality women by using the same scientific strategies I used to overcome anxiety, gain self-confidence, get dates & become the man I am today.

I started School of Attraction in 2009 where I went from coaching guys for free to now helping millions of men with their dating via online & offline tutorials.

I’m confident that this online dating course can help you too.


We've been featured in hundreds of publications around the world, won awards for our work and share advice to millions of people via our popular Youtube channel.

When dating apps came into the scene we adapted into deep learning about the algorithms and teaching our clients how to thrive.

Many loopholes have opened and closed throughout the years however we have always stuck to science and tested strategies that simply work.

This is why a course like School Of Tinder & Online Dating is so important.

Because there’s no way you can compete by just throwing your photos up and hoping for the best.



Learn Online Dating Inside & Out.


Go at your own pace

3 hours of in-depth videos you can complete on your own time.

Worksheets and Quizzes to embed the info as you go along.

Email support and guidance every step of the way.

Online community for group advice and additional learning.

The 3 Core Modules You'll Get


Class #1: Know which platform is best for you so you don't waste time on an app that's not meant for you.

Class #2: Understand how women date so you can better differentiate yourself from your competition and set up effective strategies for attracting women.

Class #3: Hack the App Rankings so that your profile is shown to the hottest women in the city. It's as simple as understanding how an App's ranking system works and then taking deliberate decisions to boost yourself to the top.


Class #4: Choose the perfect photos to intrigue women. You'll understand what angles are best and what types of profile pictures have the best appeal.

Class #5: Select the ideal supporting pictures to show off your personality and spark cuiosity in your potential matches.

Class #6: Create a killer profile that draws in likes and matches and helps get women enegaged with you in conversation.


Class #7: Learn how to craft the irresistable first message that demands a response so you won't be left on read again.

Class #8: Master how to have chats that are stimulating and leave her wanting more. Avoid those conversations that seem to just fizzle out.

Class #9: Lock in that first date early and minimise flakes. Girls may even try to set up the date for you!

And get these Bonuses and Updates for free!

Bonus #1. Troubleshooting Results, and continuous Optimisation
Class #10: Learn how to fine-tune your approach to keep getting better results on your own.

Bonus #2. New updates for 2020/2021 algorithm and industry changes
Now includes new series of hacks for dating platforms such as, PlentyOfFish, Bumble, Hinge, OkayCupid, Eharmony, Badoo, Coffee Meets Bagel, and others,..

All future updates and bonuses will be free to students of the School of Online Dating Course.

2022 Bonus
How to take the best pictures of yourself!
A masterclass on the easiest ways to take the best pictures of yourself.

What works and what doesn't
The cheapest equipment to buy that gets the best results
How to use free editing software to boost quality
Editing tips every man needs to succeed

*Free for a limited time only

We cover all the major dating apps/platforms


Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Badoo, Coffe Meets Bagel, Plenty Of Fish, Match, OkCupid, Eharmony And more...

This course is designed for all kinds of men

For Single Men Frustrated With Their Dating Success


Whether you're a beginner or someone that's been dating for a while - if you're not getting the kind of women you like, I understand your frustration. My course is designed ot get you to the top of your game so that you can start having success now, and for the rest of your time that you choose to spend single.

Fresh On The Market - Newly Separated Or Divorced


Let's face it - getting back on the market is hard. If you haven't been single in a while, the whole landscape has changed. This course will hold your hand and guide you into the world of online dating so that you can rediscover yourself in the light of new and interesting partners.

For Men That Are Less Interested In Hookup Culture


How are we supposed to find love in a time when hookup culture is in fashion? Believe it or not, there are dating apps and strategies that still cater to the more serious man, and this course will give you the tools to make your own destiny.

Don't waste hours trying to get dates - just one simple course

Online dating is, for the foreseeable future, the only way for many of us to make connections.

But it’s a time-suck.

Hours spent optimising your profile only to get some matches.

Matching with women only to have them not talk to you.

Talking to women to have them drop off.

Lining dates to have them cancel or worse, not show up.

Going on dates to be ghosted.

Every. step. of. the. way is frustrating, to say the least.

This is why we created the course.

Advice in this course comes from scientifically proven data and motivates you to create a process that allows you to minimise rejection and get consistent success, regardless of who you are or where you are.

The before and after transformations for my students are astounding.

Once they learn the correct principles and techniques of what makes a good profile and what makes exciting conversations, their success goes through the roof.

You don’t have to already be getting results for this to work. This course was designed to help everyone, even if you have zero experience with online dating.



Take a look at my results


Whilst most of my students can easily double or triple their match rate after this course, my personal match-rate is:




I give all my students a set of pre-made openers and conversation techniques which I use myself.


Using these, if I match with 100 women...



of them will respond to my openers


of those will give me a phone number


of those will agree to see me

...I will have 41 Dates.

Many of my students easily accomplish results that are just as good.

It's not that hard.

Think about the results you are getting now.

How long have you been dating online?
What kind of matches are you getting?
How many women are you going on dates with?

All I want from you is for you to take this seriously.

Get the course, study the material, make your improvements, benefit.

Our methods have helped thousands of men

89% of students worldwide

recommend School of Tinder

Get the School of Online Dating Course:


A recap of everything included in the course


In-depth videos with easy to consume content you can complete on your own time. Worksheets, quizzes, updates and more. 


In-depth videos with easy to consume content you can complete on your own time. Worksheets, quizzes, updates and more. 


Benefit from years of data by simply copying us. Test different bios, conversation openers and more to see what works for you.


Benefit from years of data by simply copying us. Test different bios, conversation openers and more to see what works for you.


Email us for help on your profile or for more in-depth discussions, become part ofthe facebook group and learn from other students.


Email us for help on your profile or for more in-depth discussions, become part ofthe facebook group and learn from other students.


Learn new tricks as we discover them and keep improving your profile to get better quality matches.


Learn new tricks as we discover them and keep improving your profile to get better quality matches.

School of Online Dating - Course

1,000 AUD

School of Online Dating - Facebook Group


Updates for Online Dating with COVID-19

500 AUD

Access to Future Updates

500 AUD

119 AUD

Total Value: 2,000 AUD
You Save: 94%



Here's my before/after transformation







Dating is simply selling yourself!


And the self-confidence you can create from dating successfully will impact
all other areas of your life.

Not to mention the belief in yourself when you finally go after the women you’ve
dreamed about.

Once you realise that rejection here and there is normal, not much phases
you anymore.

You know there are women interested in getting to know you.

Interested in what you’re about.

And then the time you waste agonising over women will start to fade.

Which will create the space necessary for you to focus on more important things.

To appreciate your present reality.

To find true happiness.

By changing your beliefs that your life is guided by fate, luck, your boss,
your family or other external circumstances you can’t control (external Locus
of Control)...

INTO your life being guided by your personal decisions and efforts.

By learning to create more positive experiences.

So that your behaviour becomes less guided by punishments (rejection,
heartbreak, anxiety etc)

And more guided by rewards (excitement, dates, likeability etc)

This is what I ultimately wish for you.



The best thing about working on your dating is that feedback is instant


Unlike starting a business for example, your learning is quick.

If she likes you, you’ll know quickly.

If she doesn’t, you’ll hear about it or never hear from her.

Everything she says is feedback.

And especially with online dating, everything is in message form.

To dissect and learn from.

Every single aspect of dating can be tested.

And retested.

There’s not a lot of guesswork anymore.

And once you start to find some control with your dating, you may
start to look at trying to gain control in other areas of your life.

Perhaps you may want to start your own business.

Perhaps you want to mend your relationships with your family.

Perhaps you want a raise from your work.

All of these things we have seen students accomplish after gaining control of
their dating lives.

Because the skills you learn in dating can be transferred easily into other areas.

This is why I believe you should start working on your dating

Last chance to get The School Of Online Dating


We plan to put prices back up soon so register now to take advantage of this offer


Leverage my scientifically proven tools and methods to minimise rejection and see consistent success


Leverage my scientifically proven tools and methods to minimise rejection and see consistent success


Always keep up to date with changes in the
online dating scene.


Always keep up to date with changes in the
online dating scene.


Complete my course and make immediate improvements to your profile and online dating game.


Complete my course and make immediate improvements to your profile and online dating game.


Exchange ideas with thousands of other collaborators and get instant feedback on your profile and messages.


Exchange ideas with thousands of other collaborators and get instant feedback on your profile and messages.

See you on the other side,

School of Online Dating - Course

1,000 AUD

School of Online Dating - Facebook Group


Updates for Online Dating with COVID-19

500 AUD

Access to Future Updates

500 AUD

119 AUD

Total Value: 2,000 AUD
You Save: 94%

We'll take you straight to the payment page & upon purchase you'll receive access to the course within minutes!

What are you waiting for?


Go get the course now