SSI Calendar
Yeah that's right good sir, it's about to get real up in this hizzle! Look out for your name below for your scheduled practical session dates, times, locations, and your wingman contact details.
Don't you just hate it when some girl makes all these commitments to meet with you then bails at the last minute? Kind of makes you want to send a pack of crazy cross eyed, hairless, french speaking goats to pay her a visit and randomly move stuff around her room without her noticing so she slowly goes crazy right?
I sure do hope I'm not the only one with that fantasy, or I'd come across pretty weird....
Don't copy that bad flaky behaviour. Instead, be reliable for your and your wingmen. They're counting on you, so be that cool dude who everyone can rely on.
Coach Contact Numbers
Damien: 0403 032 839
Nick: 0400 251 489
Duncan: 0488 270 530
Kelvin: 0416 217 196
Ryan: 0431 956 255
Missed Sessions Policy
We totally get that sometimes bad things happen that ruin your best of plans. In an ideal world, we'd be able to give makeup sessions anytime something goes wrong. However we have to ask you to be mindful of the fact that we pay our high end coaches extremely well, and any makeup sessions cost us money to schedule. If you have fallen ill, or someone in your family is ill then provided you give us a medical certificate, then we are most happy to wear that cost ourselves to ensure you don't have to miss a thing. However, for non-medical related matters, if you can't give us a minimum of 3 Weeks notice that you'll be missing a session, then we don't have the time to try and fill that spot. In these circumstances however not all is lost. We'll still be happy to provide you a makeup coaching session at cost price for the coach. Please feel free to talk to any of the coaches about this option.
However we don't mind if you personally find another student to swap sessions with provided you let the coaches involved know about the change.