Explore Your Type
You Are High in Warmth

Relationships are more important to you than objects or ideas. You love being around people and you make friends easily. You won’t have too much trouble making women comfortable around you, and like you at least on a platonic level. You have a strong desire to be liked by other people and need to be careful that this doesn’t manifest itself by your being too needy around women. You have a tendency to be overly optimistic about a female’s intentions and how successful you are in an interaction.
You Are Reserved

You Are Abstract Thinking

You place great value on Intelligence, and get great enjoyment out of intellectually stimulating conversation. You get bored very easily around people who do not engage you on an intellectual level. You need to be aware that no-matter how attractive a woman is, if she does not have the brains, you are going to get sick and tired of her very quickly. You will very quickly come to internalise general attraction theories, but you need to be careful not to assume you know everything and remember that a solid knowledge of the basics is the foundation of success.
You Are Concrete Thinking

You do not put as much importance on intellect as you do on personality. When you meet a woman, it is more important to you that she is fun to be around than that she is a genius. You may find yourself intimidated by women who do themselves place great value on intellect. When learning new attraction theories, it is important that you do not try to absorb too much new information at once, as you are likely to become over-stressed. Focus on one new idea/task at a time, and proceed only when you have fully internalised/mastered it.
You Are Emotionally Stable

You have great confidence in your ability to handle problems as they arise. You set realistic expectations for yourself when you approach women, neither expecting too much, nor too little of yourself. If an interaction with a woman does not go to plan, or you get shot down, you are not easily bothered or upset by this as you understand this is all a part of the learning curve. Even when you are scared to death inside, you are very good at keeping your cool and inspiring confidence in those around you. Women will feel this and assume you are much more confident than you feel on the inside.
You Are Reactive

You have little confidence in your ability to deal with problems as they arise. Learning to approach and attract women can be very frustrating, and this frustration easily gets on your nerves and lowers your self-esteem. It is important that you do not set un-realistic expectations on yourself, or on women, as you will ultimately be setting yourself up for failure. Especially when just starting to approach women for the first time, it is particularly important for you to continuously remind yourself that you are going through a learning curve, and nothing a female says could possibly be personal as she does not even know you. You are also likely to procrastinate when it comes to making an approach, or physically escalating with a woman because you can not make up your mind what is the best thing to say or do. You need to remember that no-matter what option you choose, taking action and making a mistake you can learn from is better than no action and losing because you have procrastinated for too long.
You Are Dominant

It has always been important to you that your views are right and everyone else is incorrect. You very quickly dismiss theories related to attraction that are contrary to your own beliefs as being unworthy of consideration. You must try to remember that everyone has at least one thing they can teach you, and that nobody on earth has been right 100% of the time. When going out picking up women with buddies, you have to be careful to keep your competitive streak in check. When talking with women, try to actively focus on being open-minded about their opinions as you run the risk of being seen as stubborn and/or narrow-minded. You are painfully aware of differences in social status when you are out around others, but try to keep in mind that perceived social status can easily change from one day to the next and those that judge your social status too harshly are not worth knowing at all.
You Are Deferential

You like to be liked, and never want to cause problems to other people. This makes you easy to get along with, however women will very quickly pick this up as a sign of weakness will and lose interest in you. Remember that women like a man who walks his own path, even if that means disagreeing with something she says. In fact, many women enjoy a bit of a spirited debate with a man. You are painfully aware of any disapproval you might receive from others, but you must keep in mind that constantly pleasing everyone else will not bring you any success of your own.
You Are Lively

You are in general optimistic and spontaneous. People will often refer to you as entertaining and charismatic, and women will naturally have high expectations of you, however as you have a tendency to focus only on self-gratification rather than the needs of others, you run the risk of being perceived as self centred and selfish. Your weakness when it comes to women is that you are easily distracted, and unless you have a clear idea of what sort of woman you are after, you will find yourself easily distracted by other pretty things, and your relationships will suffer as a result.
You Are Serious

You think things through in a slow and methodical way. Once you have a goal in your sights, you are not easily distracted. While you may pride yourself that others view you as being mature, your tendency towards pessimism and lack of spontaneity can cause the women in your life to lose interest. You would do well to break the confines of your personal rules and indulge the inner child within more often.
You Are Rule-Conscious

You take societys code of ethics very seriously. You tend to endorse conventional values such as honesty and monogamy. You will need to remember that a similar sense of ethics should be high up on your list of traits to look out for in a woman. You need to be aware that most people do not adhere as firmly as you do to these rules, and if you hold all the women you interact with to such high standards, then you are setting yourself up to be disappointed and confused.
You Are Expedient

You have your own set of morals and ethics, and little regard for commonly held views. When it comes to learning to meet and attract women, you will have trouble following any individual pickup methodology, as the rules and confines will go against your nature. You have a lot of initiative, and this will work in your favour as you are apt to have less trouble creating your own unique way of attracting women that accurately portrays who you are. Since you often have a different moral code to that expected by most, you must be sure to make clear to women you are around what is and is not acceptable to you, so you both know where you stand. Women love a man who has defined boundaries.
You Are Shy

You are always aware of possible dangers. When you see a woman you want to talk to, you are aware of the danger of rejection, or the possibility that she has a boyfriend that is just about to come back from the bathroom. You have trouble fighting through these fears, and most likely approach anxiety is a very big roadblock for you on your road to success with women. You may be surprised to find that very often women who are interested in you have mistaken your shyness for a cold disposition towards them, so have not bothered to pursue you, assuming you had no interest. When you are in a relationship, you have to be careful not to become over-reliant on your partner, as this is a common relationship breaker for your personality type.
You Are Bold

You are very self-confident and enjoy taking risks. You may well be able to look back on things you have done in your life and thought -I can not believe I did that and LIVED! – Since you place great value on risk-taking experiences that provide adventure, it is unlikely that you have much trouble approaching women in bars. If you are having trouble attracting the right sort of women in your life, it is most likely going to be because you are being perceived as brash and insensitive. To be happy in a relationship, you need to find a woman who also loves risk-taking and adventure, or you are likely to get bored with her very quickly, and quite possibly seek excitement with other women.
You Are Sensitive

You like doing things for yourself, one might say you are self-indulgent. When it comes to relationships, you tend to follow your heart rather than your mind. You might sometimes find it difficult to accept harsh realities about yourself, but you are very sympathetic and possess an understanding of others problematic situations. This is one of many reasons why you might have a lot of female friends. In some situations, you may need to be aware of your emotional responses as others may see you as emotionally immature or needy. When it comes to approaching women outside of your social circle, you need to accept the fact of reality that you will never be able to avoid a certain amount of rejection, no matter how tight your game is. Your romantic nature makes you attractive to women, as does your emotional responsiveness. However, you have a tendency to ask for reassurance from your partner. You will need to be careful of overdoing it, as this might lead her to believe that you are too dependent and clingy. You might worry about your relationships more than you should which leads you to be unnecessarily stressed.
You Are Unsentimental

You tend to look at things in a very logical manner. You do not rely on emotions and are rarely empathic to what others are going through. Others may find you cold and unfeeling, however, they also perceive you as an intelligent and a reliable source of objective ideas and direction. You are independent and sometimes find it difficult to connect with a woman emotionally as you find it hard to understand her feelings. This will make it harder for you to gain rapport with women and make them trust you. Lack of rapport will create problems such as Flaking or not responding to phone calls or sms. You will need to work on putting yourself in other peoples shoes so that women can feel like they can rely on you emotionally.
You Are Vigilant

You tend to have a skeptical nature. When in a relationship, you might be accused of being jealous and suspicious. You are very observant and put a high value on being alert to trickery and deceit. You might be slow to trust a partner unless you have seen evidence that they are indeed trustworthy, but even then, you might like to keep yourself alert about their intentions and actions. Some people might call you paranoid, but you would rather this than be hurt because you were not careful. Your lack of trust often leads to the break up of a relationship. When flirting with women, you have a tendency to interpret their responses in a negative light, assuming, for instance, they are laughing at you rather than with you and this mistaken interpretation could cause unnecessary stress. You will need to work on trusting yourself and your decisions, so you can begin trusting others.
You Are Trusting

You make and keep friends with ease. People trust you because you trust them. Sometimes your easy-going and trusting nature might lead others to take advantage of you. You accept others as they are and always give them the benefit of the doubt. When in a relationship, your partner might point out that your friends or relatives are using you. You make a great wingman, and when flirting with women, you do so in an open and trusting nature that women will find refreshing.
You Are Practical

You are not inclined to be introspective and rely mostly on what you can physically see and experience rather than what you expect MIGHT happen in the future. Since you have a less vivid imagination than others, you will do best to find people whose experience with women you trust and listen to the experience they can impart to you, rather than trying to work everything out for yourself. You will often miss subtle social signals that women will give to let you know they are interested in you, so you must learn to consciously watch out for them. Many women will be drawn to your reliability, predictability, as many other men lack these traits.
You Are Abstracted

You spend a lot of time stuck inside your head. You love theorizing and working with abstract ideas and as a result, you often get caught up with all the different theories out there relating to meeting and attracting women. While you do CARE about the women you are interacting with, your abstract nature will cause you to easily forget things like names and other facts about her that a girl might give you over a night. If you do not make a concerted effort to remember these things, you may risk as coming across as shallow or uncaring. When in a relationship, be aware of your tendency to be inattentive to your partner and the practical aspects of a relationship.
You Are Forthright

You are very open, straight forward and unpretentious. You never pretend to be anything that you are not. You particularly dislike people who are judgemental because you place great value on peoples right to express themselves as they are and not to have to wear a social mask. Women will most likely appreciate and comment on your genuineness, but you must be careful to exercise some degree of tact, or you risk being perceived as rude and abrupt.
You Are Private

You are very adaptable in social situations. You know how to behave with all different types of people. You are constantly aware of the image you are projecting to others and how they are responding to that image. You make a very good first impression with women, but you have to be careful that you are not seen as being fake or insincere. Since you spend so much of your time wearing a social mask, you may find it difficult to be yourself with a partner.
You Are Self-Assured

You very easily distort events in your life in order to show yourself in a positive light. As a result, you have a high self-esteem, and you have difficulty associating with feelings of guilt or self-doubt. In relationships, resentment will often be created due to your failure to accept blame and lack of empathy with your partners low self-esteem feelings. Until you learn to accept that you, like everyone else, make mistakes, it will be difficult for you to learn to attract women, as such a path requires that you constantly identify your own weaknesses and are willing to work on them to improve yourself.
You Are Apprehensive

You have a very harsh inner-critic, which leads you to be constantly critical of all your accomplishments. This usually results in a low self-esteem, and this will perplex those around you, because your accomplishments are seen by most as being very pride-worthy. You need to remember to give yourself praise for all your accomplishments in order to improve your self-esteem. When in relationships, women will at first most likely want to help you realize your potential, but then in frustration at your own low self-image will lose faith and respect, and this can very often be one of the reasons for past relationship break-downs.
You Are Open to Change

You do not like doing things the traditional way. You enjoy entertaining new perspectives and radical interpretations. You have a tendency to be intolerant of tradition, and anyone who upholds such values. As a result, you may be seen as anti-authoritarian. It is important for you that you find a partner who enjoys the same radical way of thinking that you do, or you are likely to get into a lot of unresolvable arguments in the future.
You Are Traditional

You do not like change. Traditional values are very important to you, and you are cautious and slow when choosing to accept new ideas. You will be a very reliable partner, but you must be careful as you have a tendency to stay with a partner, even when the relationship is terrible. When meeting new girls and dating, you are going to suffer a lot of frustration because you do not cope well with unexpected changes, and these will be inevitable. While you may at first be attracted to a partner with wild political views, which compliment your traditional views, this will result in a tumultuous relationship that cannot last, so be wary of this when choosing a suitable partner.
You Are Self-Reliant

You are an independent thinker and pride yourself on self-reliance. You prefer to solve problems unassisted, and do not like taking any advice. Be aware that there is a huge amount of information out there to assist you in learning to build confidence and attract women. Your insistence on avoiding outside input and support could result in a lot of time spent making all the mistakes others have made and could hare fore-warned you about. Remember, success goes to those who work the smartest, not to those who work the hardest.
You Are Group-Oriented

Being part of a group is very important to you. It is important to you that you feel you belong. You use social comparison to judge the correctness of your own actions. For this reason, it is of utmost importance to you that you choose your friends wisely, as you will use them as a benchmark for your own performance, so poor quality friends will mean that you will have low expectations for yourself. Around women, you must be careful not to simply conform to their viewpoints because you do not want to create problems. Women respect a man who is not scared to disagree, and they quickly lose respect for men who simply agree with everything they say.
You Tolerate Disorder

You are not overly concerned with being socially approved of, which means it is much easier for you to just be yourself around others. However you will very likely have some degree of confusion over who you really are, as you tend to act however you feel in the moment, which can change at any time. This instability in identity can cause trouble in relationships because it will cause you to be unreliable. You should not have too much trouble experimenting with different ways of attracting women, as you do not feel constrained by the need for social appropriateness.
You Are Perfectionistic

You set yourself high goals when it comes to learning to attract women. You do not just want to be good; you want to be one of the best. You are careful to ensure that your public behaviour reflects your internalised ideals because you place high value on maintaining public respect. Since the respect of others is of such high importance to you, you are going to find it difficult to experiment when approaching women as making a mistake may cause you to lose respect in the eyes of the woman, however making mistakes is one of the primary ways that we as humans learn, and you are going to have to learn to embrace making mistakes as an integral part of the learning process.
You Are Relaxed

You are usually seen as being chilled and relaxed. You do not easily get worked up or upset. You are accepting of things that do not go your way and will be easily like by women, who feel relaxed in your presence. However, your laid back attitude will make it hard for you to find the drive to work hard at improving your relationships with women. Once in relationships, women may find complacency and lack of vigor frustrating. You will get along best with a partner who is laid back like yourself, and not too driven.
You Are Tense

You get wound up and tense very easily. In fact, you are probably familiar with tension as a daily visitor. You try to hide your tension or anxiety because you do not want to affect those around you, but that just causes you to get even more tense. You may need to look at ways of calming yourself down, such as meditation or exercise. This type of tension can be contagious, and if you are not careful, women you talk to will begin to feel anxious themselves, and this is not good for attraction. It is important for you that you meet women in environments in which you feel comfortable.